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7 Interpersonal Skills Your Child Must Have to Succeed in Life
Future-ready children are well-rounded and have good social skills like verbal and non-verbal communication, listening, negotiation, decision-making, problem-solving, and assertiveness.

Get your child’s gut health on track by following these 6 simple steps!
A child’s gut health says a lot about their overall health.

How to Raise an Exceptional Child in Today's New World
Parents can bring out the best in their children by providing them with balanced and complete nutrition, setting goals, and encouraging them to be confident, independent and think critically.

25 Age-appropriate Educational Toys for Kids and Toddlers
Parents can try using educational toys for babies and kids, such as building blocks and puzzles to best nurture their children's learning experience, curiosity, and mental development.

How Dynamic Learning can Redefine your Child’s Education Experience
Balancing static and dynamic learning environments keeps children interested in learning and encourages creativity.

Don't let your picky eater stress you out
Picky-eating may add stress to meal times for both parents and children. Reduce the stress by helping your children with their preferences and encouraging them to try new food and flavours.

Constipated child? Here’s how to help them
Parents should observe their children's bowel movement routine and behaviour to see if they are constipated.

Building the Memory Muscle: How to Help Your Child Improve His Memory
Build and strengthen children's memory by engaging their senses and sticking to routines to help them focus, retain information, and learn new skills or talents.